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In Box 2016


Name: Naresh A

Subject: Father Knew Best

Message: It is true we learn from watching our parents Actions. Clearly you learned your passion for long walks, your belief in hard work & your value systems from your Dad


Name: Dhanesh


Message: Beautifully written Chandroo ! You are an inspiration to all of us ! Keep it up and keep guiding us !


Name: Kathryn Smith

Subject: Father

Message: Thank you Chandroo. I loved that insight in to your life. Very Special

19/December 2016

Name: Sue Martin

Subject: Your father

Message: I loved the beautiful story of your father. What a wise man to have learned from. I cried at the end.

18/December 2016

Name: Bobby Chiu

Subject: Father knew best

Message: you are lucky to have such a father!! May I know what year he was born??

18/December 2016

Name: Lavina C. Daryanani

Subject: Father knows best

Message: Great article! I never met my late father-in-law but after reading your article I feel I have known him. Chandroo u are very lucky to have memorable days with your dad Loves

17/ December/2016

Name: indu

Subject: Father knew best

Message: Beautiful memories chandroo,,yes the walks with daddy at the jetty are really treasured moments...if only i could rewind time to hold his hand tightly..loves


Name: Rita Payette

Subject: Father knows best

Message: Truly a vivid description of an honourable man. I would have loved to spend time with such a wise grandad. Thank you uncle for sharing these memories of a grandad that I never met.


Name: Shanu

Subject: Father knows best 

Message: Thank you uncle. So beautiful is your description that I can visualize it all as if I were there. That pacing up and down with a cigarette in hand and being a worrier also rubbed of on my father. I remember seeing him do that when I was a young girl. I never met dada, but have seen pictures and can imagine the scene . Thank you for sharing your memories. Always heartfelt.


Nam:e :Harry Taw

Subject: Your Article

Message :Your article brings back memories of your brother Doulat and your sister Chandra who were my classmates. I visited your apartment where you guys lived many a times.


Name: Nargis Kelley

Subjec:t Father knows best

Message:  I clearly remember a couple of things about your father: 1. His outfit of a white shirt, white pantaloon and a Nehru cap on his head...2. The barber's visit to your house when one by one you and your brothers had to be groomed and "shaven" on the front balcony while we girls snickered from neigboring verandahs...3. your father pacing the verandah early in the morning. May his soul rest in much has happened since those days. Thanks Chandroo for these wonderful memories of days gone by.


Name: Avisha

Subject: Father knew best

Message: Thank you for writing the article on your father ( my grandfather ) as we never knew him 


Name: connie

Subject: tiny prints

Message: been carrying magnifying glasses to supermarkets many years ago!


Name: Nargis Kelley

Subject: Tiny Prints

Message: I can fully relate to what you have written. I have been wearing tri-focal glasses for a long time but these days I definitely have problems focusing on small prints whether it's on the computer screen or in print. I have come to realize and accept the fact that this is one of the joys of getting heck with the 'small print'!

28/October 2016

Name: Cecil Wagstaff

Subject: Tiny Prints

  1. Circa 1962/3 I had been selected for an Aviator’s Role in the R.A.F (of Great Britain). I had aspired to fly the P.1 Lightning Fighters and later the Vulcan Delta Wing Bombers of those Days which had inspired me. I had passed AL the Exams, and came throght with flying Colours, but regretably when it came to the Final Medical.I Failed. My Eyes had let me down and I needed 1.25 Correcton Factor in the Left Eye. In those Days, it was mandatory for New Entrants to have Perfect or 20/20 Vision. I was s.h..t.t.e.r.e.d., an believe it or NOT my eyese today still require only 1.25. Correction Factor, and also today, Commercial Aviators can progress to Correction Lenses but still require Perfect Vision on entering. C’est La Vie. I did the next best thing, and joined an Airline in Sales & Marketing…and saw The World, anyway

  2. Fine Print is used only because this  has been mandated by Government Legislation and to comply with FDA/ANZFA and other Countries' Food Sales Law. Do you think Manufacturers would do this if the did NOT have to ???????….Ha !

21/October 2016

Name: Mal

Subject: Tiny Prints

Good Article.

21/October 2016

Name Nargis Kelley

Subject Memorable memories

In the golden years of our lives it is wonderful that we can look back to laugh at our experiences which has definitely contributed towards who we are today. Enjoyed the article and had a few chuckles Chandroo.

Name: Rod Smith

Subject: Memorable Memories

So pleased you dodged a bullet called an Earthquake . Enjoyed your story .



Subject: Chiang Mai

Chandroo, Loved your video. It makes me want to go there. It is so beautiful. You both look like you had a fabulous time.


Name:  Hilda Soord

Subject : Memories revived

Dear Chandroo,

 It was lovely to read about your reunion with your old friend from Rangoon.  I enjoyed looking at all your family photos as well.

 Lavina was so pretty when she was young and hasn't changed a bit.  Love,


Name: Rod Smith

Subject: Chiang Mai/Heart

Message: Very cool and soothing.. Thanks for sharing .


Name: Ramesh Mohinani

Subject: Chiang Mai/Heart

Message: Excellent


Name: Ramesh Ramchand

Subject: Chiang Mai

Message: Well done Chandroo.  Your enthusiasm is never ending.  It rubs off.  Reminds me once a joke where this chap was rubbing his shoulder with this Chinese chap.  When questioned why he is doing .... He explained he keeps winning and rubbing his shoulder some of his luck will rub off on him.  Good journey in Chiang Mai.


Name : Heeru

Subject:  Friendships

Message:  Your story reminded me of a quote by Allie Cindy, "Growing apart doesn't change the fact that for a long time we grew side by side; our roots will always be tangled. I'm glad for that." From her book Matched. Wishing both your families happy moments and best wishes.


Name:  Ramesh Ramchand

Subject : Memories revived

Message: This is truly amazing.   All look so happy., that's great! 


Name:  sunny

Subject:  Memories revived

Message:  Internet is a wonderful tool to connect, I am so glad you both met and it shows me what true friendship is! Cheers to friendship!!


Name:  Cecil Wagstaff

Subject:  Meeting a Friend

Message:  There is nothing greater than the Bonds of Friendship. I still really can't imagine how I met You & Cyril on the Steps of Mirador Arcade, Hong Kong 1964


Subject: Oohs and Aahs

Message: This is an excellent encounter !! Something to remember and cheerish.
Ramesh Ramchand

Melbourne 18/July/2016

Subject: sister's reunion

Message; That is sweet and memorable!

Bobby Chiu

Hong Kong 18/July/2016

Subject: Oohs and Aahs

Message: Wow, Chandroo, Are You sure this this is not an old picture ?

 Your wife looks as young as the day I first met her 30 years ago !

Best of Luck to all,

Al Robles

Los Angeles 17/July/2016

Subject: Oohs and Aahs

 Message: Loved the pictures and the article. Dad I can imagine all the comments between the sisters! LOL

Sabina  Asnani

London 17/July/2016

Subject: Oohs and Aahs

Message: Very nice article on sisters. Looks like they had a Wonderful time together. It'll be great memory in their hearts. The video shows it all👌🏻👌🏻

Karuna D

Mumbai 17/July/2016

Subject: Oohs and Aahs

Article of Aunty and her sisters was an enjoyable read. Great to have sisters, through good and bad, they see us through. Sometimes angry, yet lovable. Blessed we are to have had large families. And tons of experiences! ❤thank you again💕💕

Shanu Hathiramani

Mumbai 17/July/2016

Subject Daryanani Roots

Message : Such a nice story much of what you wrote revived memories, especially of your father pacing the verandah with a bidi in his mouth. I can still picture your mother as well and your younger siblings. Narain of course was always playing ball with the boys in the street. I would wait to hear Nanik (he had a booming baritone voice) as he came to visit Aga's house each night and I would make some excuse or the other to go downstairs and chat with him. Doulat was the don juan on his motor bike but always aloof. Those were such joyful and carefree days.

Nargis Kelly


Subject: Ooh's and Aah's

Great read and pictures !

Kind Regards,

Rod Smith

Perth 17/July/2016

Subject Ooh's and Aah's

I really enjoyed the slide show especially the background music which brought back memories of my own from a long time ago...Chandroo, you hit the nail on the head when you said that since families live so far apart these days even a short reunion like this one gives you the pleasure of spending time with loved ones.

Nargis  Kelly

Chiang Mai 17/July/2016

Nice to see everyone in these photos from all over the world, binds us in some way.

Heeru Daryanani Bhojwani

Mumbai 10/July/2016

Hi Chandroo,

How are you? Thanks for the article it was very good. I will remember to carry around a pocketful of chocolates for Paula !!!! Actually I am quite fortunate as Paula’s mood is almost always good with no bug mood swings.

Hope all is well and please pass my regards to your wife.



New York 29/March/2016


Subject Moody Women

I loved your article and you mentioned the solution of giving her a chocolate that creates "happy harmones" did not know about I know about it! Many Thanks CD.


Hong Kong 26/March/2016


Subject Moody Women

It suggests giving a woman chocolate to boost her mood and pep her up but at that age women are also scared to put wrong calories in their mouths.  That means makng her more wild and angry.  LOL just a funny thought  uncle. :)

Karuna D.

Mumbai 27/March/2016


Subject: Family reunion in London

absolutely beautiful:)something to always treasure.

Hinu Bhojwani

Taipei  4/Jan/2015


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